Sight Gauge | Product Series

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Sight Gauge

Sight Gauge

Sight gauge allows immediate view of fluid level when installed on an oil reservoir or gearbox. Fused silica fire-polished, non-staining glass maintains that clear view for the life of the gauge.

Technical Specifications

  • Maximum Operating Pressure: Up to 300 psi
  • For Fluid Type: Lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids
  • Operating Temperature: -65° to +400 °F
  • Materials of Construction: Metal parts: stainless steel, aluminum, or titanium Glass: fire polished fused silica
Safety Warning

Full Product Description

Parker Aerospace’s sight gauge provides a clear view of the oil level. Constructed of aluminum, stainless steel, or titanium with fused silica fire-polished, non-staining glass, the sight glass is fireproof per FAA AC 20-135.

While sight gauges are common (as on large coffee pots), these are custom designed to withstand the rigors of aviation oil reservoirs, gearboxes, and auxiliary power units (APUs). They can be stand-alone, bolt-on with ports at top and bottom, or they can be incorporated into a housing. Sight gauges are individually marked (engraved, laser etched, or painted) with indications as required (full, low, add, etc.).

Parker Aerospace sight gauge technology is used on lubricating systems in commercial and military applications of all aircraft types.

• Fused silica, fire-polished, non-staining glass increases readability
• Structural materials provide lightweight durability, including fireproofness, pressures to 400 psi, and extreme temperatures

Graduation marks can be engraved, etched, or laser engraved in either US or metric markings.

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