Needle Valve,Integral Bonnet 6000 PSI - SN6 Series | Product Series

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Needle Valve,Integral Bonnet 6000 PSI - SN6 Series

Needle Valve,Integral Bonnet 6000 PSI - SN6 Series OBSOLETE

Note: This product is no longer available - please refer to the “Related Documents" or "Related products" section of this page for details on any alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

Technical Specifications

  • Connection 1 Size: 1/4", Two Ferrule Compression, NPT F, NPT M, Single Ferrule Compression
  • Connection 2 Size: 1/4", Two Ferrule Compression, NPT F, NPT M, Single Ferrule Compression
  • Stem Type: BLUNT, SOFT TIP
  • Packing Material: PTFE
  • Maximum Operating Pressure: 6,000, 3,000 psi, 414, 207 bar
  • Maximum Operating Temperature: 450 °F, 232 °C
  • Minimum Operating Temperature: -65 °F, -54 °C
  • Body Style: Inline
Safety Warning

Full Product Description

Parker’s SN6 Series Needle Valves provide shut-off and coarse regulation of liquids and gases up to 6,000 PSI (414 BAR). These compact, rugged valves are manufactured from 316 stainless steel bar stock and are integral bonnet designs with packing above the stem threads. The SN6 valve offers the installer the ability to place this valve in environments from 350?F with PTFE or up to critical environments up to 700?F with Grafoil® packing while still in the same small, compact design. Other similar valves do not offer that application flexibility.

• Petrochemical
• Chemical
• General Industry
• Power


• Integral bonnet design
• 316 stainless steel construction
• Choice of two stem types:
R-Stem – All metal, blunt stem tip
K-Stem – PCTFE stem tip
• Choice of PTFE or Grafoil® packing
• Inline and angle patterns
• 100% factory tested

• Sample Cylinders
• Control Panels

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Products Connection 1 Size Connection 2 Size Stem Type Packing Material Maximum Operating Pressure (psi) Maximum Operating Pressure (bar) Connection 1 Style Connection 2 Style Maximum Working Temperature (F) Maximum Working Temperature (°C) Minimum Working Temperature (F) Minimum Working Temperature (C) Body Style
4A-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4A-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4F-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT F NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4F-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT F NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M NPT M 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M NPT M 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4Z-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4Z-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4A-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4A-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4F-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4F-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4Z-SN6LR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4M4Z-SN6LK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Inline
4A-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4A-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4F-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT F NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4F-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT F NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M NPT M 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M NPT M 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4Z-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4Z-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4A-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4A-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4F-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4F-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M NPT F 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4Z-SN6AR-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT PTFE 6,000 414 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4M4Z-SN6AK-SS 1/4" 1/4" SOFT TIP PTFE 3,000 207 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 450 232 -65 -54 Angle
4A-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4F-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT F NPT F 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4M-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M NPT M 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4Z-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4M4A-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4M4F-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M NPT F 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4M4Z-SN6LR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Inline
4A-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 Two Ferrule Compression Two Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4F-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT F NPT F 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4M-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M NPT M 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4Z-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 Single Ferrule Compression Single Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4M4A-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M Two Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4M4F-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M NPT F 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
4M4Z-SN6AR-G-SS 1/4" 1/4" BLUNT Grafoil® 6,000 414 NPT M Single Ferrule Compression 700 371 -65 -54 Angle
